Local 196 Job Board Procedures
- Local 196 will list all open job assignments on our website www.ibewlocal196.com after 3:00 p.m.
- If a job assignment becomes available and an applicant “on the books” wishes to take the assignment, within the first 12 hours, they must apply for said “assignment” via the “Job Announcements” page of our website. A posted assignment will be open for bidding between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. the next business day. After the bidding is closed all the names will be put in order in accordance with the “out of work” list and the assignments will be dispatched from the list of bidders.
- If you bid on the Job, be prepared to receive a call from a referral agent between 8 – 10 am. After 10am (2 Hrs.) the referral agent will call the next person in line.
- If the Assignment does not get filled through the bidding process, the referral agent will run the respective books in the order of 1,2,3 to fill the assignments. The 3 strike rules apply to this process as well.