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Referral Procedure
May 28, 2024

Book 1,2 and 3 signing is in person (Initial). Resigns are still email at (resign@ibew196.com).

IBEW Local 196 Referral Procedures

  1. Local 196 referral office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday.

  1. Applicants for employment within the IBEW Local 196 referral system shall register in person. Applicants registering in person must provide a copy of an up-to-date Dues receipt, letter of intro ( if traveling from another local ) as well as current CPR/First aid. Registration onto the out of work list will only be accepted during the referral office hours. Non IBEW members (or Book 4) MUST sign in-person.

  1. Applicants shall be assigned to the highest priority group for which they qualify within the appropriate classification(s) and placed on the appropriate list(s) in chronological order determined by the date and time of original registration.

  1. Registration on the out of work list(s) shall only be valid for one month. To maintain their position on the referral list(s), applicants must re-register (re-sign) to confirm their availability for employment from the 10th thru the 16th of each month (unless the applicant’s initial registration was between the 1st and 10th of that month). Re-signing can be done in person or via email during normal Referral Office hours.

       5.Failure to re-register (re-sign) between the 10th and the 16th of each month will cause removal from list(s) the next business day. If removed,         an applicant’s position is forfeited, and the Applicant must complete a new registration to be considered for employment.

  1. Applicant’s names will be removed from the referral list when they accept a job assignment through this referral system.
  2. An applicant for employment who is referred to a job assignment and: 1) receives employment of forty (40) hours or less, through no fault of the applicant’s own; or 2) is refused by the employer (in writing) shall be restored to the position on the list which the applicant held prior to the job assignment, PROVIDED the applicant shows the appropriate documentation.

  1. Any applicant accepting a referral for work by the means explained in Section 2 of this procedure who: 1) quits or does not report for the job assignment. 2) is terminated for just cause. 3) works more than forty (40) hours, MUST complete a new registration for the out of work list to be considered an applicant for employment.
  1. REFUSALS (STRIKE SYSTEM) Applicants who refuse job assignments will receive “strikes” (3 strikes max) once an applicant receives their 3rd strike, they shall be removed from the list and must complete a new registration to be considered for employment. Being unavailable for referral when work is offered is considered a refusal. Not answering the phone is considered a refusal. Refusing an emergency storm call-out or a short call (less than 40 paid hours) will NOT count as a refusal (strike).

Local 196 Job Board Procedures

  1. Local 196 will list all open job assignments on our website, www.ibewlocal196.com after 3:00 p.m.

  1. If a job assignment becomes available and an applicant “on the books” wishes to take the assignment, within the first 12 hours, they must apply for said “assignment” via the “Job Announcements” page of our website. A posted assignment will open for bidding at 5:00 p.m. and bidding will close at 8:00 a.m. the next business day. After the bidding is closed, all the names will be put in order in accordance with the “out of work” list and the assignments will be dispatched from the list of bidders.

  1. If you bid on the job, be prepared to receive a call from a referral agent between 8 – 10 am. After 10am (2 Hrs.) the referral agent will call the next person in line.

  1. If the assignment does not get filled through the bidding process, the referral agent will run the respective books in the order of 1,2,3 to fill the assignments. The 3 strike rules apply to this process as well.

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IBEW Local 196
13300 Route 47
Huntley, IL 60142

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